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SAC-O-MAT Dog Waste Bin System - The neat, hygienic solution.

An absolute must for responsible dog lovers. For the sake of your dog and out of respect for others and for nature. Closable reinforced polyester (GRP) container for receiving the dog waste bags; scratch-proof, impact and fire resistant, colour consistent throughout, with lacquer finish. SAC-O-MAT, the neat, hygienic solution.

Dispenser Free-standing model

250,00 CHF
gross price
You save:
275,00 CHF
In Stock
SKU: 87210

Article: 87210

Lockable, reinforced polyester (GRP) SAC-O-MAT Bag Dispenser, impact, scratch-proof and fire resistant, colour consistent throughout and lacquer finished. An absolute must for responsible dog lovers, out of respect for others and for a clean environment.

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Unit contains 2 rolls of polyethylene waste bags dispensed from 2 tear-off devices located on front of unit, thus always ensuring an adequate supply of bags. Single bag pull-out guaranteed.Ideal for supplementing existing dog waste bins not offering a medium for collecting dog excrement.